Friday, December 18, 2009


It's 2am.  I'm leaving for South Africa tomorrow and I haven't packed :) I've just finished another super intense few months of work that culminated in the most intense of days today.  Right when I think I have the whole work life balance thing figured out something changes and I turn into a stress ball.  That's what I am right now.  A stress ball.  But I could feel it start melting when I pressed send on that last email and shut down my laptop.  I can't wait to travel for a whole month and leave my to do list at home.

I don't know if I'll have connectivity the first week, so I'll do my best to post.  We're staying in a small village called Mapoch Ndebele north of Joberg.  We're volunteering there teaching life skills to children and adults. Not quite sure what to expect, but I have a feeling it will be a life changer.

That's all the pre-party I can stand for now... off to sleep 

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your blog, Shelly. Maybe you can write a book on this. You are quite a writer!
    Love you and Joe and miss you so!
    xo Nina
